Our spring 1999 catalog cover will always hold a special place in my catalog memories. Back then, my very close friend, Nat Reeder, was ready to propose to his then girlfriend, Leslee. As he was looking for a creative way to do it, I suggested that he propose on the front page of our catalog. He agreed, and the rest is history.
Here is how it transpired. We put a photo of them on our cover with the caption “Leslee, will you marry me?”. We fedexed her the catalog making sure she would be home. Leslee was instructed to go on our website, where she would find detailed instructions of a scavenger hunt that she was to go on. The hunt took her all over Nantucket, the place they were living at the time. It ended at the Great Point Light House with Nat waiting for her at the top on one knee. It was such a popular story that the Wall Street Journal wrote a piece on it!

All went according to plan, and they are now living happily with their three children in Telluride, CO. Here’s a family photo 17 years later!